6 Aug 2012


 When I started the MA, I aimed to evolve my designs to more fluid and curvy shapes.

Eleni Zolia, Ring, 2011, acrylic sheet

     The shape of the car has to do with the aerodynamics and the movement. As a result, I was for a while driven to make experimentations about mechanisms for kinetic jewellery.

 Eleni Zolia, Handpiece, 2011, acrylic sheet, acrylic tube, brass, ball bearing

As I was looking for my personal style of aesthetics, researching about streamline, retrofuturism and futurism, I settled on the futuristic aspect. I made pieces that are characterised by white, fluid surfaces. They can be worn, actually positioned on the body, in unfamiliar ways. Still they remain sculptures even without the wearer.

 Eleni Zolia, Hand Sculpture, 2012, polymer clay, electroforming, spray painted

When I made this piece, biomorphism became a point of interest and I thought about combining aerodynamics and biomorphism.

 Eleni Zolia, Hand sculpture, 2012, Milliput, electroforming, spray paint

Were my objects going to be futuristic organisms fluidly growing on the body?

Eleni Zolia, Ring, 2012, modelling wax, casting, bronze, spray paint

     However, the viewers of my work insisted that my objects resemble to bones.

Eleni Zolia, model for hand piece, 2012, air drying – air light clay

They were placed on the body like some kind of additional bones. This was the final key to define my style, what I am doing, how and for which reason.

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